Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik

Global Collaborative Engineering


Produktentwicklung über Grenzen, Zeitzonen und Disziplinen (see also IDEEA)

Global Collaborative Engineering (GCE) is a joint course of different universities spread around the globe. This unique setup features joint virtual lectures and international team projects. The students will conceptualize new mechatronic and IoT-products while learning and deploying methods of design thinking and collaborative engineering.

Participants will study topics fundamental to interdisciplinary collaboration (engineering and design), product data management and intercultural challenges. These topics will be applied during a team project with team members located overseas, utilizing state-of-the art product life-cycle management (PLM) software technologies and interdisciplinary experts providing specific support and guidance.

Student attendance and participation during the scheduled time is expected: This is an active learning and team project based course that will require extensive live collaborations with team members!

Starting date: Feb. 12th 2025

End date: July 24th 2025

To apply for participation, please send your documents (CV, letter of motivation etc.) to loewer(at)uni-wuppertal.de by February 9th, 2025!

For more information also visit www.ideea.network

The project outcome will be actively presented by the participating students on a Global Forum in the week of July 21st at Hongik University, Seoul, Korea!


Für Studiengänge M.Sc. MB
Semesterwochenstunden -
Leistungspunkte 5
Stellung Wahlfach
Dozent:in Löwer
Übungsleiter:in Kessing, vom Stein
Angeboten im Sommersemester
Veranstaltungstyp Projektarbeit
Prüfungstyp Abschlussprojekt

Wuppertal GCE students @ Monterrey (México) in 2019

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