School of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering

Head of Chair

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuel Löwer


Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-2057
eMail: loewer(at)

Consultation hours: on Thursdays, 14:00 - 15:00 or by arrangement
Room: W.09.016


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Petra Winzer

Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-2060
eMail: winzer(at)


Honorary professorship

Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Reiche

appointed day: by arrangement via email (m.reiche(at)





Room: W.09.097
Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-2060
Fax: +49(0) 202 / 439-2059
eMail: fgproqu(at)


Scientific staff

Dr.-Ing. Tim Katzwinkel

Institute for Product Innovation IPI, Solingen

Telephone: +49(09 202 / 439-2245
eMail: katzwinkel(at)

Consultation hours: by arrangement

David Kessing, M.Sc.
Room: W.09.018
Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-2081
eMail: dkessing(at)

Consultation hours: by arrangement

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Nadine Schlüter

Room: W.09.096
Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-3184
eMail: schluete(at)

Consultation hours: on Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:30 or by arrangement


Gabriele Seider

Room: W.09.010
Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439-3252
eMail: seider(at)